
Crazy family roadtrip blogged by tweens.

My friend, our five kids and two dogs are departing on a three week tour in a 30 year old trailer. 

All the prep of going on this trip has turned my brain to mush.Image

Here is the chaos of mapping out 38 destinations.  Who knows how this thing will go.  It will be worth the adventure, even though I know I forgot to print up a certain map, or the menu might not be perfect.

There are so many piles around the house. 


Leaving for a big trip with kids takes uber organization.  Take too much cause you will regret taking too little.  But this trip I have to stuff 3 weeks worth into a trailer.  I have faith.

I am encouraging the four girls, 10 and 12, to blog about this trip.  If you want to check it our here is the link.

We lead a crazy life.  Crazy is difficult, but it beats sitting home being organized!

Travel chaos

My friend, our five kids and two dogs are departing on a three week tour in a 30 year old trailer. 

All the prep of going on this trip has turned my brain to mush.Image

Here is the chaos of mapping out 38 destinations.  Who knows how this thing will go.  It will be worth the adventure, even though I know I forgot to print up a certain map, or the menu might not be perfect.

There are so many piles around the house. 


Leaving for a big trip with kids takes uber organization.  Take too much cause you will regret taking too little.  But this trip I have to stuff 3 weeks worth into a trailer.  I have faith.

I am encouraging the four girls, 10 and 12, to blog about this trip.  If you want to check it our here is the link.

We lead a crazy life.  Crazy is difficult, but it beats sitting home being organized!